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Advertisement and packaging examples
Sionnach Designs stationary examples

Hourly Rates & Fees 2022

Work completed between

9am and 5pm 

Regular Rate


an hour


an hour

Evening Rate

Work completed between

5pm and 11pm

Graveyard Rate

Work completed between

11pm and 9am 

an hour


*Weekend rates start at 52.50 an hour

Rush Charges

Rush Charges are a one time fee that is applied to each project that has a requested turn around time of 48 hours or Less. Rush charges are based on the amount of time required to complete the work.

Simple Rush


Per Piece


Medium Rush

Per Piece

Complicated Rush


Per Piece

Other Fees

Other fees may be charged depending on need and are in addition to the hourly rates and rush charges

Photoshop Editing Fee

If photos are provided by the client for the purpose of using specific aspects that will require additional photoshop work 

Recreating Image Fee

If an image is required to be vectorized or recreated in another program, a one time fee will apply per image being recreated. 

Digitize Text Fee

If information if provided in a written form and requires the information to be typed up. 

Additional Proofs

Each project has 3 proofs for the client to review and request revisions on. Any proofs outside of the 3 will be charged a flat rate for the proof to be sent.

per photo


Conversion Fee

Conversion is when a client has a file that needs to be converted to a different format. ex (PNG to JPEG)


per image

Statutory Day Fee

If your work requires work to be done on a statutory holiday.


per page

Meeting Fee

Meetings outside the required meetings within the project will be charged per hour. 

per file



per stat day


per hour


per proof

*all time will be rounded up to the nearest  half hour. 

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